
The Block is an online guide that helps you navigate your next travel destination. Eat like a local, shop like a local, and most importantly explore like a local.



| Color Exploration |

These are the sets of inspirational images used to explore the vibrancy and excitement of The Block’s energy and what they represent.

Exercise_ creating color palettes.png
Exercise_ creating color palettes-2.png
Exercise_ creating color palettes-1.png

| Type Pairings Exploration |

Explored different type pairings by the various types of travelers.

Determining our target audience.png
Exercise_ creating type pairings-1.png
Exercise_ creating type pairings-2.png
Exercise_ creating type pairings-3.png

| Final Design Elements |

Color palettes, Grayscale, Icons, Type Pairing, Type Systems

Icons + Colors.png
Type System.png

Color accessibility was also explored to make sure that there was enough color contrast so that text legibility does not become an issue.

Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 8.16.00 PM.png

| Landing Page |

Wireframe - Landing Page
4. The Block - Homepage (Desktop).png

Final UI Layout

The Block - Homepage.png

| The Neighborhoods - Crown Heights |

Wireframe - The Neighborhoods
4. The Block - Neighborhood (Desktop).png

Final UI Layout


Wireframe Mockup

Final Mockup