(in progress)

[Project Overview]

The product:

This app will eliminate physical menus for restaurants and customers can pay for their orders through the app.

The problem: 

Eliminate unreliable, outdated menus, miscommunication, and complex payment steps.
The goal: 

To help users experience a smooth dine-in or take-out experience with better communication and easy payment options.

Project duration: 

09 /2021 - 11/2021

My role: Lead UX Designer


  1. User research

  2. User interviews

  3. Wireframing

  4. Prototyping

  5. Testing

[User Research]

Target participant characteristics:

  • Lives in metropolitan or suburban areas

  • People who order food from restaurants at least once a week

  • Participants of different genders

  • Participants with different abilities

Number of Interview participants: 8

Age Range: 28-65

  • More time needs to be allocated toward meal planning for people

  • For older people, there are food preferences mainly for health concerns. Knowing what ingredients are used in their food is more prevalent among older people than younger ones

  • Too much of a hassle to find parking just for picking up an order

  • A lot of meal delivery services are not reliable - When restaurants receive an order request, they are often too busy to communicate with customers on things such as not being able to accept more orders. And the customers find out later by realizing that the restaurant has canceled on them. This leads to a lot of frustration for customers that have been waiting for a long time on a hungry stomach

User Research Summary

Interviews of users’ eating habits and meal planning were conducted from the ages of 28-65. People in Taiwan, the US, and Canada were interviewed. Here are the key points to my research findings:

[User Pain Points]


Frame 1.png

[User Journey Map]

Irene User Journey.png

Problem Statement: Irene is a retired accountant, who needs healthy meal options and easy food ordering methods because she wants to try different kinds of food without having to compromise her health.

Group 63.png

[User Flows]

